Friday, May 3, 2024

The Dragon in my Backyard

The Dragon in My Backyard

The Dragon in My Backyard

It all started on a warm, sunny afternoon. I was in my backyard playing fetch with my dog, Scout, when I noticed something unusual. Behind the old oak tree, a strange glowing light was flickering in and out. I knew every inch of my backyard, but this was something new.

Curious, I decided to investigate. I carefully tiptoed toward the tree, my heart racing with anticipation. As I approached, I heard a soft rustling sound. What I saw next took my breath away. Nestled among the fallen leaves was a small dragon! Its scales shimmered in vibrant shades of green, and its eyes glowed like emeralds. I couldn't believe it—a real dragon in my backyard!

The dragon didn't seem scared. It looked up at me with curious eyes, then yawned, revealing rows of tiny but sharp teeth. I was a bit nervous, but it didn't seem threatening. Instead, it started purring like a cat.

I knelt down and gently reached out to touch it. The dragon's scales felt warm and smooth. I could hardly contain my excitement. I was petting a dragon! This was the most amazing day of my life.

I had to tell someone, so I ran into the house to find my parents. But when I came back with them, the dragon was gone. All that was left were a few scales and a faint smell of smoke in the air. My parents thought I was making it up, but I knew the truth. I had seen a real dragon.

Over the next few days, I returned to the same spot, hoping to see the dragon again. I brought treats, toys, and even Scout to try to lure it out, but there was no sign of it. I was starting to think I imagined the whole thing.

But one evening, as the sun was setting, I saw the flickering light again. This time, I knew what to do. I sat down quietly by the tree and waited. The dragon emerged from the shadows, stretching its wings. It looked at me with those emerald eyes, as if it remembered me.

I offered it a small piece of beef jerky, and it took it eagerly. We sat there for a while, the dragon nibbling on its treat while I watched in awe. I realized then that this dragon wasn't just a creature to be feared—it was a friend.

As the days went by, I spent more time with the dragon. I named it Sparky because it often let out tiny sparks when it sneezed. Sparky became my secret companion, and I promised not to tell anyone about it. I was afraid that if others found out, they might try to capture it or take it away.

One day, Sparky brought me a gift—a shiny gold coin. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. I knew then that Sparky trusted me, and I promised to keep its secret safe.

I never saw Sparky again after that summer. Maybe it flew away to join other dragons, or maybe it found a new home. But I still have that gold coin and the memories of my time with the dragon in my backyard.

The End.

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